Nirvelli Med Spa and Laser laser hair removal
5 Tips You Need for Laser Hair Removal There are many options for hair removal: shaving, tweezing, waxing, threading. Unfortunately, all of these options are temporary – the hair always grows back. But laser hair removal is an option that offers people a permanent approach to getting rid of body hair. It targets the follicles and stops hair growth. First, however, just like any other procedure, it is necessary to conduct a little research to learn the essential details of this safe procedure.

Laser Hair Removal Tips

Here are some valuable tips needed about laser hair removal.

Shave Before the Procedure

Shaving 24 hours before the laser treatment will give the best results. This is because short hair allows the laser to target the hair follicle. Also, shaving the day before allows the skin to recover from skin nicks and reduced moisture levels experienced immediately after shaving. Using a laser on freshly shaved skin can damage the skin. In addition, do not wax or tweeze the treatment area at least six weeks before the laser hair removal appointment.

Do Not Apply Any Product

The ingredients in beauty products such as lotions, makeup, deodorants, and ointments can sometimes affect the result of laser hair removal. To avoid skin irritation, clean the skin using soap and water before each treatment.

Multiple Sessions for Excellent Results

Laser hair removal treatment works best for people with a distinct contrast between skin and hair color (i.e., light-colored skin and dark hair). However, laser hair removal treatment destroys only 80% of hair follicles even in the best circumstances. Therefore, most people must undergo several sessions to achieve the desired results.

Post-Treatment Side Effects

Before undergoing laser hair removal, learn the potential side effects. The most common side effects include irritation and swelling, which go away after a short period. Patients can use home remedies such as applying a cold or warm compress to the affected area for relief. Most importantly, they should follow their provider’s guidance.

Avoid Sun Exposure

People often don’t realize the importance of hair on their skin and the protection it provides against the adverse effects of the sun’s rays. As a result, hair removal exposes the skin to the sun’s radiation. Therefore, it is strongly advised that people who have undergone laser hair removal wear sunscreen to protect the skin from the sun.

Nirvelli Med Spa and Laser

If you are interested in more information on laser hair removal or wish to schedule a session, contact Nirvelli Med Spa and Laser at 919-297-0107 and make an appointment today.